Highest Heating Oil Prices in Leitrim / Liatroim (1000 Litres)

Highest Price Chart for 1000 litres of Kerosene Heating Oil in Leitrim / Liatroim Highest Oil Prices Leitrim / Liatroim

Tip: Click on cheapest / average / highest in the chart to see more data.

12 Oil companies in Leitrim / Liatroim

1000 Litres €915.00
500 Litres €465.00
1000 Litres €915.00
500 Litres €465.00
1000 Litres €915.00
500 Litres €463.00
1000 Litres €930.00
500 Litres €475.00
1000 Litres €930.00
500 Litres €465.00
1000 Litres €930.02
500 Litres €465.01
1000 Litres €940.00
500 Litres €470.00
1000 Litres €940.01
500 Litres €473.98
1000 Litres €945.00
500 Litres €475.00
1000 Litres €945.00
500 Litres €475.05
1000 Litres €950.00
500 Litres €484.99
1000 Litres €956.01
500 Litres €478.97

We collect kerosene prices from oil companies all over Leitrim to provide the latest prices in each county and nationally. Heating Oil prices change all the time, and in recent years 1000 Litres has cost as much as €1550 and as little as €330, so if you buy heating oil, you should keep an eye on the price.


No Change


Down 0.43%


Down 5.65%